
Helping Churches Fulfill Their
Great Commission Purpose

Church Planting. Church Finance. Church Renewal. Missions Mobilization. Church Planting. Church Finance. Church Renewal. Missions Mobilization. Church Planting. Church Finance. Church Renewal. Missions Mobilization. Church Planting. Church Finance. Church Renewal. Missions Mobilization.
Church Planting. Church Finance. Church Renewal. Missions Mobilization. Church Planting. Church Finance. Church Renewal. Missions Mobilization. Church Planting. Church Finance. Church Renewal. Missions Mobilization. Church Planting. Church Finance. Church Renewal. Missions Mobilization.

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Church and Ministries Membership
$199 One-Time Fee

  • Request and receive one book/resource every month for FREE during your first year of membership.

  • Request and receive one $250 grant for a community outreach project or another evangelism and discipleship endeavor during your first year of membership.

  • Gain access to FREE demographics reports and estate planning tools.


$99 One-Time Fee

  • Request and receive two books/resources for FREE during your first year of membership.

  • Request a $100 grant be provided to an evangelistic church, ministry, or missions organization of your choosing (must comply with the Statement of Faith and be registered as a 501(c)(3) religious non-profit.

  • Gain access to investment, planned giving, and estate planning tools.